All posts related to my work as a label manager at JOOF Recordings, a British record label set up in 1998 by John 00 Fleming

I had the privilege of giving a short interview from the label manager’s perspective to LabelRadar, a platform for streamlining demo submissions

“Tell me how you organize the process of listening to music: demos coming to the label and just new releases in different genres. Do you listen on the speakers or on headphones? How do you manage to stay focused on the music to listen to all the tracks thoroughly?”. Answering the questions from Nikolay Glazyrin
“Please tell us about your duties in the position you have at the label: is your pay fixed, do you get paid a lot, how do you combine it with other things and how do you do it remotely...

It’s safe to say that my previous advice on sending a demo is one of the most popular articles on this blog

And how to increase chances for a response Hi Daniel, as far as I know you are an A&R at JOOF. Can you share some insights on sending demo, how to increase chances for reply...