Tag: My websites and blog
I’ve finally got rid of Google Analytics from all my websites. It’s no longer here at dsokolovskiy.com, daniellesden
Over the past years, I’ve been posting all sorts of things on my blog: from new podcast episodes to life events and random personal updates
As I dive into different roles, both within and beyond the music scene, I’ve decided to split my website into two separate entities
Finally, the advice series got its own separate section on the site.
Guys, I need a little help on the web. Added on March 13: a developer is found. Thanks to everyone who responded
A huge update for mobile users I’ve been in the music business for 5 years and know for certain that I will continue pursuing the passion for music production for the rest of my life
Introducing a major website update It’s easy to make something new, much harder task is to take an existed product and precisely improve every aspect of it