Tag: Personal development
These choices shape who you become and determine how far you go. In the end, success isn’t measured only by what you achieve, but also by what you’re willing to let go of to make space for what matters
When I doubt about starting something new or continuing with my current pursuits, I find the following question useful
I am a perfectionist. Someone might say it’s a good trait, but I would disagree
In my younger years, I firmly believed that my achievements were solely the result of my sheer effort and willpower. My perspective has since evolved.

Hey Daniel, thanks for your blog. I’m an up-and-coming producer, and I would like to ask your advice on how to start working with high-grade producers?

Hi Daniel, do you have any advice on working a job from 9-6 every day then re-energising for producing when you get home?

Or how to overcome writer’s block Please tell us more about «out of comfort zone» technique you mentioned in one of your previous posts

“I keep getting stuck in drafts and can’t finish tracks. Do you have some tips on how to finish tracks?”. A question from Simon Stone