What should be on a musician’s website

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Hi Daniel, I have read your advice A website vs. Facebook for musicians, and I agree that it is good to have your own web space rather than solely rely on social media. I’m thinking to make a website now, but what should I put there? News, releases? Or just a logo and social buttons, like many other producers do? Any advice would be appreciated.


To answer your question, let’s see what kind of audience would visit your website, and what they will look for:

Audience Interested in
Fans Most likely, regular followers goes to musician website to check his upcoming gigs or radio show tracklistings. Avid fans might be interested in buying some merchandise and finding out more about the artist’s personality, such as biography, personal photos, interviews, and all kind of «behind the scenes».
Promoters Before heading to the bookings contact section, party promoters might be interested to find “social proof” of your value: photos and videos from your previous events, quotes from famous artists, press mentions, past tour dates.
Press Bloggers, reviewers, and other community enthusiasts can be interested to read your biography for some fact-checks; discography, interviews, news, as well as press pictures.
Producers and DJs Your colleagues, fellow DJs, and producers might be curious to see insights of your studio work, gear, and equipment, and read some tips and advice.

Everything above is my guess, I can be wrong. Just like in any marketing strategy, there is no axioms or the only one right path. But it could be a good starting point for your experiments.

I advise to start small and make website bigger only upon needs. A smaller website is easier to launch and manage, it’s cheaper, and allows you to focus on what is really important, rather than spend a huge amount of resources for some messy and clunky website that eventually becomes abandoned. Keep it simple.

How to run successful web projects by Mirai Art Studio blog on Medium

I would also recommend starting a blog, as a part of your website or separately. It is great to have a place where you can share your thoughts and opinion. Blogging helps you get a stronger connection with the audience on a more personal level and boosts your own skills in many aspects.

10 reasons why you should run a blog

And at last but not least, I strongly recommend to add a signup form to your mailing list. Having contact emails of your fans and industry professionals is great not only for marketing communication but it also gives you a sort of backup. Twitter can go bankrupt and Facebook may block your profile, how will you speak to your audience? Right, via emails.

MailChimp is a great email marketing service. I’ll put here my signup form just to give an example

 140   2016   Advice   Marketing

Since 2015, I’ve run an advice section giving my experience and answering readers’ questions on music production, DJing, performing, marketing, management, and other aspects of the music industry. The purpose of the series is to spread knowledge and cultivate professionalism in the music industry. The advice series works simply: you send me your questions, and I answer them with a blog post when I have something relevant to say. Send me your questions via the form.

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