My first production experience. Part 1: flashback to 1999—2005

ModPlug Tracker, Re-Birth RB-338 and Reason

Formally speaking, I count the beginning of my music career from 2012 when my debut EP was officially released. But in fact, my awkward attempts at making some music started a long time before that — more than 15 years ago from now. And I would like to tell you about this experience.

It’s all begun when mom bought me a keyboard, Yamaha PSR-330 — that was the best thing I could ever dream about. It was 1999, I was twelve. Normal kids are playing football and do some other things which supposed to be fun, spending all day long outside. I wasn’t that type as I preferred to sit home at the computer all day long after school (or instead of school, sometimes).

It was completely different times than nowadays almost with no internet, every piece of information was on the weight of gold. So I started to learn every software I could find on piracy CDs, and the first one was ModPlug Tracker.

Jeez, these days I’d not even open this:

ModPlug Tracker: my first music sequencer

Unfortunately (or luckily) none of my ModPlug Tracker projects saved till present days.

A year later I discovered a program Re-Birth RB-338 which I was very excited about — it reminded me of a spaceship control panel:

My favourite Re-Birth plugins (“mods”): MSM 2.0, Classic, and Pitch Black

It’s very simple, the entire program is made of two sequencers (one for the bassline, one for lead) and two drum machines. Yet still, I’m pretty sure a lot of early Trance music has been made in Re-Birth, for example, one of my all-time favourites track Venus by DreamTech.

Mine wasn’t that cool, though. For the first time ever I’ve got what the Cut Off is, as well as Resonance and Distortion. Here is one of my first tracks made in Re-Birth, I was 13:

Around 2003~2004 I had a “breakthrough” and found another piece of software which I used for about 4 next years — Reason by Propellerheads, same developers as Re-Birth.

Despite that Reason have so nice graphic user-interface showing analogue-like connections, cables, and wires, I had no clue how does it work — everything I did was intuitive

I never intended to release any of that stuff, nor even thought about it. Music production was the goal itself, the process for the process, not for the result. Of course those attempts sound terribly bad, but after all, I had so much fun!

 569   2014   Behind the scenes   Production

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    Edgar Tapia 2019

    Daniel, maybe the quality of your first tracks is not so good as now but i’m sure that it has the pure trance essence, Strange Worlds sounds so nice, it has the sound of the golden Trance age. :)


    Switch Klay 2019

    Big ups to you Dan!
    Keep up the super stuff alive!
    Love from Trance for Infinity,

    Vladimir Zuev 2019

    “Strange Worlds” has the sound of the golden Trance age, because main theme sounds like “Strange World” by Push – it was a preset, Daniil?

    Daniel Sokolovskiy 2019

    It’s hard to say for sure since it was more than a decade ago, but I guess it was just a simple detuned Saw wave, not a preset. I mean, listen to how bad it is :-)

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