Introducing Psytrance Guide

A great place to discover Psychedelic music

Dear fellows, I’m pleased to introduce you to the Psytrance Guide:


If you are a millennial, you probably remember the Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music. How awesome it was! As a music lover and a person who likes it when things are organised nicely, I used to spend hours on that site.

I was always thinking, too bad that guide is abandoned, outdated, and hence no longer reflects the variety of genres we have today, in Psytrance in particular. But then I realised: I could do it myself. I can do a website that probably won’t be that cool and fancy like Ishkur’s guide, but fun and informative enough, especially for those who are new to Psytrance.

And, in fact, I did.

What is this, exactly is the ultimate, up-to-date guide to Psytrance music genres. It covers twenty subgenres, and I’m planning to keep it relevant through time. Each subgenre includes several audio previews that have been carefully selected, a typical BPM range, a little description, and lists of some noticeable artists and labels that are worth checking out if you like some particular subgenre.

Keep in mind that most of those subgenres have no “official” names. Everything on that site is a subject of my personal vision and experience in the Psy scene. However, I did my best and researched a bunch of niche community websites to make sure that I’m not alone in that thinking, and I will keep making it more accurate.

Who is this for

Basically, for everyone. If you are new to Psytrance or if you have a friend to whom you’d like to introduce Psytrance, it’s a great place to discover the whole variety of music spectrum that Psytrance have today. However, if you are an experienced trancer, I’m sure you’ll find a lot of fun too, just like I did when I was making that guide.

A special note to DJs. If you have a large Psytrance DJ collection but everything from Astral Projection to Zen Mechanics tagged simply as “Psytrance”, use as a reference to update your ID3 tags properly. This is something I use for my 12,000-tracks collection, and it works great.


If you found a bug, or if you would like to contribute in any way, or if you have some feedback or just want to say hello, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

 6721   2017   Psy scene   Psytrance Guide

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    Paul 2019

    Hi-tech, psycore and the Xenon stuff are not psytrance.

    Jimbob Jones 2019

    Bullshit! Zenon is well interesting and evolving – much like good acid techno – both seem closer to goa trance which is the prime concept behind trance. Hi-tech and Psycore, are indeed unfortunate, but nonetheless spinoffs and still deserve categorization. 2019

    it is nice to see this guide ! for people who want to discover more about downtempo psychedelic music, we invite you to visit website <3 Respect!

    Psymonk 2019

    Hi-tech might not be psytrance (i am happy it is not) but it is much closer to the origins of goa trance than psytrance. Hi-tech is mostly misunderstood by many in the scene, they only seem to hear “noise”. I was listening to all psy genres for 20 years but nothing comes even close to the sophistication of the truly psychedelic and twisted sound of Hi-tech. Not many djs out there are able to manage it however. A 24h set of Goagil might do the trick tho ;) p.l.u.r.

    DJ Uaky (UnderVoiceRecs) 2019

    thanks bro for making this !!!! greetigns from southamerica!!!!

    Dj Nerva 2019

    At last! Now i start to understand psy landscape. Dany, please keep up the good work!

    Hannes Lövbacka 2019

    I love this initiative! i have been thinking of doing somthing similar but you did a great job!
    keep updating subgenres and maybe make a nice map of the connections as an overview of the whole :)
    Love the passion of our wonderful culture and tribe. keep up the good work!

    Emiliano Parizzi 2019


    What about the newest sounds of Nutek Records? They did Night Full On previously, but lately they seem to have something I would call Electro Full On or something like that =P

    agartha.canales 2020

    So if Hi-Tech isn’t Psy, I am going to make a genre that is.

    Michelle McMullen 2022

    I love the hell out of this blog!

    Anil Reddy 2022

    Somthing sit on my head from 2012 to 2022 i can’t cum out of it suggestion

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