Course notification form. And a few words about Mailchimp

My course announcement page had a form where you could sign up for a notification. Under the hood, this form worked through the Mailchimp email service, where all the email addresses were stored. And Mailchimp took over and blocked my account in one day, without a single warning and the ability to retrieve my content – my subscriber base and emails – from there. Now I don’t even know the addresses of those interested in the course. The last time I looked, there were about a hundred people there. The same thing happened to all other email forms on my website.
Anyway, I reworked the form a bit, and now there is a Google form under the hood. Google, fortunately, is not blocking Russian users yet.
If you have previously left your email in this form, please do it again:
(Now, it’s definitely not the best time for me to create content ... But who knows, maybe someday I’ll still finish it).